Tag Archives: Call Me

Summer Reflections

I was going to be so organised and add things on a regular basis – well that really must be acknowledged as the end of good intentions and I’ll just blog when I can!

The cast at the launch of the play at Sweet Venues

August flew by in a whirl of activity which started in Edinburgh at the Fringe – with Call Me and the girls.  I think I amazed Sarah when she saw me chatting to random strangers about her play and urging them to come!  Interestingly, it’s part of what being a librarian is all about – talking to strangers!  Anyway, the play was a success with above average attendances.  In fact the venue told them their bad nights were everyone else’s average nights! Some nice reviews, though the Scotsman was a bit sniffy, but audiences loved it!  We also managed to fit in quite a few other shows when we weren’t working the Mile touting for business!

We came home by train and then I spent a day packing before dashing off to Helsinki for the World Library and Information Congress of IFLA.  Turned out to be a very busy congress, lots to do and see. As I have blogged about it in Lutheran Cathedraldetail at work I suggest anyone interested look there.  I didn’t have much free time (2 half days in fact) but found that what I saw of Helsinki was delightful.  Helsinki from the bayThe history of Finland is short as they were part of Sweden and then Russia so their style of architecture is very mixed, but their love of nature, high regard for culture and their sense of simplicity and design make for a very appealing city – I shall visit again (I hope).

The whole of the congress was complicated as I had the most awful virus cold/flu which gave me an awful cough and lethargy (which unfortunately is still here with me).

Once I returned it was back to work and catch up on all the things that needed action – and that proved to be not to bad as I had had good wifi throughout the Helsinki stay and that made life simpler!

Then I had a couple of days at the IBBY World Congress in London and had the joy of hearing Shaun Tan talk about his illustration and the why’s of what he does – a fascinating very unassuming man.  There were lots of folks I knew (both  UK and international) so lovely to catch up and also to hear the talks throughout the day.  The other day spent there was as exhibitor at a YLG/SLA table boosting our wares – and very successful too.

A few days later and it was some more R&R – at Burghley.  The weather was very variable, and although we did walk the Cross Country course on the Saturday we saw little as there were so many people there.  Usually you get to some of the more distant jumps and the crowd thins and you can relax – well that never happened!  But a successful trip where I was joined by Jane, Becky and Pete and Will,  as well as Jan, Rachel, Barney and Boo.  The shopping was good too!

Today it is Will’s 60th birthday – and he seems thrilled with it! Big party at The GCR in Loughborough on Sunday – looking forward to it!

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Catch Up

Well what a busy time this has been. Had a wonderful conference in Ennis, Ireland at a Comenius funded SLAMit conference with a wonderful group of international librarians and teachers all interested in school library design and their work. It was a great experience and also included a day of tourism – which was one of the requirements of the EU funding. Loved talking to all the librarians about their work and how local conditions and traditions impact on the set up in their countries.

Then been incredibly busy with work. Not only the day to day stuff, but planning some work with CILIP around the ShoutAbout School Libraries campaign, as well as getting everything ready for the Lighting the Future conference.

In the midst of all this there was a quick dash up to Manchester to see Sarah in a super play Seven showing at a small theatre in Affleck’s Palace. It was seven short plays by different playwrights, and all acted by an ensemble of folk – Sarah was in a 17 minute monologue of Gluttony and she was superb! I would say that wouldn’t I but the reviewers thought so too, and an RSC actor told her it was a masterclass in monologue!

Meanwhile we also had a super time at Ben Piercy-Hughes wedding blessing. The ceremony was in Denford and then followed by a lovely meal at the Fox at Thorpe Waterville. It was a lovely day and Becky managed to get up here too.

Becky’s madly busy filming with the RSC – to do with their work in schools and also with their trailers for the season. Great that she’s busy and seems to be happy with it all. Meanwhile she is also busy raising sponsorship and making connections to take Sarah’s play Call Me to Edinburgh Fringe this year. So we’re spending the first week of August in Ed for the Fringe – working the Royal Mile I imagine.

Looking forward to mid June when I expect to get a bit more time to draw breath, meanwhile back to the grindstone!

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